shinkei jime extra long


7 in stock


Shinkei Jime super long



The super long version has a larger spike and handle. it comes with 2 cables.

1000 mm x1.2 mm SS with nerve destroying notches

1300 mm X 1.5 mm SS with nerve destroying notches

This style is suited to larger fish like Tuna and kingfish



The ike jime spike is not new to New Zealand, it offers instant and humane way of killing live fish. As far as I know the shinkei jime is previously not available in New Zealand. The shinkei jime takes the concept of ike jime further as it has a stainless steel cable that feeds trough the spike into the spinal cord of the fish and severs nerves.

This stops nerves contractions in the body of the fish, the muscles relaxes and blood does not go down into the meat.


Shinkei jime together with deep chilling in ice slurry and proper bleeding of the fish.

Will optimises the eating quality and starts the creation of umami flavour in the flesh.


If you eat the fish raw or cooked both ways will benefit from this method of preservation.

This will enhance the flavour particularly for raw preparations of fish such as Sashimi, Kokoda. By using this method fish will stay fresher for longer.


The Lumica corporation is well known in Japan for producing fishing lures and glow sticks for nighttime fishing.


Some further explanation about Shinkei and Ike Jime

How to Shinkei Jime

App to locate the brain for most fish species


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